*¤* SmittyGirl *¤*

Welcome to the "Me" Page--All Me, All the time!

(Actually, it's really intriguing that you're this curious.)

As you well know by now, I am the webmaster (or webmistress as I prefer to be called) behind The Mike "Smitty" Smith Page.  I'm also behind all the original artwork featured throughout the site and also in the "Razz" Art Gallery.  The self-portrait at the right is another example.  What'cha think?

I suppose you want all my pertinent info, huh?  Alright, alright--Here goes....


NICKNAMES: SmittyGirl, FB, Eggling, Sis, Smitlette, Smitsens, Smits and yes, "Smitty".  No kidding!

BIRTHDAY: I have one once a year if I'm lucky.

WHERE WERE YOU BORN: Mumsy and Daddy say they found me under a mushroom near the fairy lilies in the backyard...but I think I was hatched at the local horsepital.

WHERE LIVING NOW: I currently abide in a big box of colored pencils, but I hope to move to the watercolors someday.

MOST UNUSUAL TALENT: I can wiggle my ears!  Don't ask how I do it.  There are some things in life I simply don't understand...and that's one of them.

SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!SmittyGirl has Binky Beads!  You should get some, too!


FAVES: (Keep in mind, these are just a few of them!)

FOOD: Anything veggie...and then there is the food of the gods--Chocolate!

SPORTS: Unfortunately, my skull is a magnet towards all small, solid moving objects (i.e. basketballs, baseballs, badminton birdies, billiards...You name it), therefore I don't dig the sports scene simply cos I'm afraid I might wake up not knowing who I am anymore...

WHAT IS YOUR MAIN GOAL IN LIFE?: To answer this, I quote Mike "Smitty" Smith:

"To be comfortably warm, emotionally stable and disgustingly rich."

(Was he right or what?  LOL)


SmittyGirl's got a mood on...
SmittyGirl has a feelin'...

EMAILING ME AND HOW TO AVOID IT: Questions, comments, rants and raves should be directed to my main Smit-E-Mail at SmittyGirl76@yahoo.com.  

Do you feel enlightened now?  Have you learned anything?  Now how about going back to the site and learning more about Smitty and the Raiders, hmm?